1. What is your favorite outfit?
My grey shacket. It's half a shirt and half a jacket.
You can button it or zip it up. A v-neck Fruit of the
Loom white t-shirt. Blue jeans. White Adidas shell
2. What character from a movie gives you a semi. Not
a porn. Is there a specific scene?
Mario Bello in "A History Of Violence". She's wearing
her h.s. cheerleader uniform and they do it on the
3. Who do you have a crush on?
Man: John Mayer; Woman: Soledad O'Brien (CNN)
4. What are you currently obsessed with?
Online Scrabble (Scrabulous.com); MLB Pennant Race (go
Yanks!); pesto; zombies.
5. Why do you like me?
Cute; funny; smart; cool; nice; fun; fucked up; very
good person.
6. What would you name your kids, if you had any
(provided that you don't have any already that you don't know about).
Boy: Vinny; Girl: Pru(dence)
7. What would you rather, lick the toilet bowls in the toilet bowl trailer at Coney Island and every time you vomit you have to start over at the beginning, OR eat a cat while it's still alive with nothing to drink.
Toilet bowls. No questions asked. I couldn't eat the
cat even if I did have something to drink.